A special THANK YOU to our over 1,100+ backers! Your support and faith in this project mean a great deal to the team that has worked on this crazy idea for over 18 months.
One of the goals from the beginning was to create something that would be useful to gamers and fit seamlessly into their collection. With that in mind, here is Today's Closer Look...
Ikea's Kallax shelves are the shelf of choice for a lot of tabletop gamers, so we wanted to create a storage system that would fit a decent size table into one Kallax cube. One StageTop Storage set holds everything you need for a 24" x 32" table and fits nicely into just one Kallax cube. Want a bigger table? Simply print a second or even a third set and clear out a couple more cubes.
The Leg Holder holds 12 Legs from any collection
The Frame Holder not only holds up to 12 Frames, but also up to 52 Frame Locks.
Frames are meant to be stored with two Tile Locks in place to make re-assembly go quicker. Frame Locks have a set position on each stem.
Frame Locks are placed on top of each other, alternating up and down to hold more and limit excessive movement. There is room for 12 Frame Locks on each stem.
Frames have built in points to allow them to stack securely. The placement of the Tile Locks that remain in the Frame must alternate to ensure they don't collide into each other, which would prevent proper stacking.
Four additional Frame Locks are used to secure the handle to the Frame Holder stems.
The Tile Holder can hold 4 Corner PlayTiles, 6 Half PlayTiles, and 6 Full PlayTiles along with 24 Tile Locks (the two removed from each Frame).
Corner PlayTiles are placed first, along with the 24 Tile Locks.
Next the 6 Half PlayTiles, followed by the 6 Full PlayTiles.
Rail Holders are exclusively available for StageTop Standard. The Corner Rail Holder uses the hole in the Standard's Corner Rail for a secure fit.
The Standard Corner Rail Holder ready to be stored.
The Standard Straight Rail Holder prints in two pieces.
Before storing the Straight Rails. Fill the bottom with Rail Clips, and connect the rails as pairs using Frame Locks.
The joined Standard Straight Rails fit nicely into their seated position. There should be 4 extra Rail Clips which can be placed on top.
A full StageTop Storage system waiting to be placed into a bin and stored in a Kallax cube.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have here or in the general comments; also let me know what you would like to see on the next Closer Look!
Finally, if you haven't already done so, consider joining the StageTop 3D Printing Facebook group where users will be invited to join the StageTop community and share printing tips.
Thanks again for all your support.
Gut Shot Games