Blog posts

Our Final Deliverable!

Our Final Deliverable!

James Campbell

Hello, StageTop Backers! We have some exciting updates to share, including the long-awaited release of our final stretch goal, the StageTop Online Configurator, the introduction of a comprehensive Visual Reference Guide, details...

Our Final Deliverable!

Hello, StageTop Backers! We have some exciting updates to share, including the long-awaited release of our final stretch goal, the StageTop Online Configurator, the introduction of a comprehensive Visual Reference Guide, details...

James Campbell

StageTop Complete

StageTop Complete

James Campbell

Within the next couple hours, you will be getting another release from us via MyMiniFactory entitled... StageTop Complete. StageTop Complete is the culmination of all 180+ STL’s released in all Waves of the...

StageTop Complete

Within the next couple hours, you will be getting another release from us via MyMiniFactory entitled... StageTop Complete. StageTop Complete is the culmination of all 180+ STL’s released in all Waves of the...

James Campbell

Wave 4.0 "The Final Wave"

Wave 4.0 "The Final Wave"

James Campbell

Origins 2023 -- Columbus, OH The first half of 2023 has been a crazy ride, with this campaign exceeding our wildest expectations. We just got back from Origins where we...

Wave 4.0 "The Final Wave"

Origins 2023 -- Columbus, OH The first half of 2023 has been a crazy ride, with this campaign exceeding our wildest expectations. We just got back from Origins where we...

James Campbell

Wave 3.5 "Future Past"

Wave 3.5 "Future Past"

James Campbell

Dear Backers! Today we have another 30+ files for you to enjoy in Wave 3.5 “Future Past”! After several weeks of head scratching and filament wasted, we finally have Wood Planks for everyone!...

Wave 3.5 "Future Past"

Dear Backers! Today we have another 30+ files for you to enjoy in Wave 3.5 “Future Past”! After several weeks of head scratching and filament wasted, we finally have Wood Planks for everyone!...

James Campbell

A Closer Look: Online Configuration Tool

A Closer Look: Online Configuration Tool

James Campbell

While we have been busy working on resolving wood plank printing issues, developing LED rails, and finishing up the final STLs, we have outsourced the development of the Online Configuration...

A Closer Look: Online Configuration Tool

While we have been busy working on resolving wood plank printing issues, developing LED rails, and finishing up the final STLs, we have outsourced the development of the Online Configuration...

James Campbell

Wave 3.0 "Storage"

Wave 3.0 "Storage"

James Campbell

Dear Backers! Today we have another 30+ files for you to enjoy in Wave 3 “Storage”! The title is a bit of a misnomer as we have a whole lot more in this...

Wave 3.0 "Storage"

Dear Backers! Today we have another 30+ files for you to enjoy in Wave 3 “Storage”! The title is a bit of a misnomer as we have a whole lot more in this...

James Campbell

Wave 2.0 "Mostly Themed Wave"

Wave 2.0 "Mostly Themed Wave"

James Campbell

Hey Backers! Today we have a Good News/Bad News situation as we release Wave 2.0. But before we begin, as a reminder, we have committed to release StageTop files in...

Wave 2.0 "Mostly Themed Wave"

Hey Backers! Today we have a Good News/Bad News situation as we release Wave 2.0. But before we begin, as a reminder, we have committed to release StageTop files in...

James Campbell

Wave 1.5 "The Leg Wave"

Wave 1.5 "The Leg Wave"

James Campbell

Don't skip leg wave! As a reminder, we have committed to release StageTop files in waves so you can get started printing as soon as possible. Last night, we released...

Wave 1.5 "The Leg Wave"

Don't skip leg wave! As a reminder, we have committed to release StageTop files in waves so you can get started printing as soon as possible. Last night, we released...

James Campbell

Who's ready to print a gaming table?

Who's ready to print a gaming table?

James Campbell

First, I would like to THANK the now over 7000 backers who have supported this campaign either via Kickstarter or MyMiniFactory! We wouldn't be here without you and to show our appreciation...

Who's ready to print a gaming table?

First, I would like to THANK the now over 7000 backers who have supported this campaign either via Kickstarter or MyMiniFactory! We wouldn't be here without you and to show our appreciation...

James Campbell

Digital Release Timing & So Much More!

Digital Release Timing & So Much More!

James Campbell

We have a lot to cover in this update as we provide the latest Digital Release Timing, what STLs you can expect to be included in Wave One, some decisions made on...

Digital Release Timing & So Much More!

We have a lot to cover in this update as we provide the latest Digital Release Timing, what STLs you can expect to be included in Wave One, some decisions made on...

James Campbell

Digital Release Update

Digital Release Update

James Campbell

The team has been hard at work on improving and testing the StageTop Digital Files. The GOOD NEWS is we are still on a path to hit our original estimated...

Digital Release Update

The team has been hard at work on improving and testing the StageTop Digital Files. The GOOD NEWS is we are still on a path to hit our original estimated...

James Campbell

Late Pledges & Digital Delivery Dates

Late Pledges & Digital Delivery Dates

James Campbell

First, I would like to THANK the over 6000 backers who have supported this campaign! From the first few days when we struggled to keep up with stretch goals, to the huge...

Late Pledges & Digital Delivery Dates

First, I would like to THANK the over 6000 backers who have supported this campaign! From the first few days when we struggled to keep up with stretch goals, to the huge...

James Campbell

FAQ: Which wood filament to use?

FAQ: Which wood filament to use?

James Campbell

As the StageTop Kickstarter campaign comes to a close, backers have begun planning out their tables. One topic that is top of mind in the campaign comments and in the StageTop...

FAQ: Which wood filament to use?

As the StageTop Kickstarter campaign comes to a close, backers have begun planning out their tables. One topic that is top of mind in the campaign comments and in the StageTop...

James Campbell

A Closer Look: StageTop Sci-fi Themed Table

A Closer Look: StageTop Sci-fi Themed Table

James Campbell

Having doubled the number of backers over the past 5 days, we felt we owed you a glimpse into what the team has been working on. As the size of...

A Closer Look: StageTop Sci-fi Themed Table

Having doubled the number of backers over the past 5 days, we felt we owed you a glimpse into what the team has been working on. As the size of...

James Campbell

A Closer Look: LED Rails

A Closer Look: LED Rails

James Campbell

It is hard to believe we just passed the halfway point of this campaign. With over 2000 backers, the demand for StageTop has far exceeded our expectations and we greatly appreciate the...

A Closer Look: LED Rails

It is hard to believe we just passed the halfway point of this campaign. With over 2000 backers, the demand for StageTop has far exceeded our expectations and we greatly appreciate the...

James Campbell

FAQ: How much weight can StageTop hold?

FAQ: How much weight can StageTop hold?

James Campbell

In addition to using Kickstarter Updates as a place to provide Project/Campaign Updates and to take a Closer Look at key components, we also want to use this forum to provide a detailed answer...

FAQ: How much weight can StageTop hold?

In addition to using Kickstarter Updates as a place to provide Project/Campaign Updates and to take a Closer Look at key components, we also want to use this forum to provide a detailed answer...

James Campbell

A Closer Look: Storage

A Closer Look: Storage

James Campbell

A special THANK YOU to our over 1,100+ backers! Your support and faith in this project mean a great deal to the team that has worked on this crazy idea for over...

A Closer Look: Storage

A special THANK YOU to our over 1,100+ backers! Your support and faith in this project mean a great deal to the team that has worked on this crazy idea for over...

James Campbell

A Closer Look: Themed Tables

A Closer Look: Themed Tables

James Campbell

Thanks to your support we have blown past the original funding goal and are already deep into the planned stretch goals. The downside of this is we haven't had a...

A Closer Look: Themed Tables

Thanks to your support we have blown past the original funding goal and are already deep into the planned stretch goals. The downside of this is we haven't had a...

James Campbell

Funded in an hour, onto stretch goals!

Funded in an hour, onto stretch goals!

James Campbell

Thanks to each and every one of you. The StageTop 3D Printed Gaming Table campaign is off to a great start, and it is all because of your support. As...

Funded in an hour, onto stretch goals!

Thanks to each and every one of you. The StageTop 3D Printed Gaming Table campaign is off to a great start, and it is all because of your support. As...

James Campbell