Digital Release Timing & So Much More!

Digital Release Timing & So Much More!

We have a lot to cover in this update as we provide the latest Digital Release Timing, what STLs you can expect to be included in Wave One, some decisions made on the Blank Remixable PlayTiles, and the current draft of the Commercial Printing License. Let's dive right in...

Digital Release Timing

The team, with a little bit of outside help, has been hard at work trying to solve the Leg Connection issue we disclosed in the last update. This was one of those unplanned moments as we had been very confident of the connection up to this point (and exactly why testers are crucial to this process).

When I say "hard" at work... I mean "HARD" at work, with lots and lots of revisions, testing, and printing... 

"Nubs" are the first test in the process. These print much quicker and allow us to do a basic connection test before moving to full size. Shown is just a small sample of the test prints made, there were more than a dozen in total.

Each frame above is using a different leg connector. To truly test the connection, it needs to be printed out at full size with expected infill to ensure the connection doesn't get loose over time.

In addition to this, there are still a lot of stretch goals and minor fixes that needed to be designed, so we reached out to Steven from 3D Printer Academy for some help. Steven just happens to be running his own Kickstarter campaign entitled Design for 3D Printing | Fusion 360 Masterclass so I thought he may have some fresh ideas to offer. And boy did he...   

Finally! Meet our release candidates.

I am happy to report that the Leg Connection issue has been solved and as of tomorrow we will send the majority of the Wave One files to our testers. If everything goes well with the testing this week, we will release Wave One on Saturday March 18th!

Wave One STLs

We expect to include all of the following STLs in our Wave One release. This is all you need to print a complete StageTop Table!

  • Frame
  • Frame Lock
  • Tile Lock
  • Rails: Lite, Standard & Elite
  • Legs: Lite, Standard & Elite
  • Feet: Standard & Elite
  • Dice Tower & Dice Tray v3
  • Surface PlayTiles: 1x1, 2x2, 4x4
  • Accessory PlayTiles: Component, Corner Component, Dice Tray, and Triple Component 
  • Blank Remixable PlayTiles 
  • Accessories: Component Cup Full & Half

Wave Two is also expected to release before the end of March and will focus on the Stronghold & Tavern Themed Tables.

Blank Remixable PlayTiles

Very early in the campaign we received several requests or questions about the ability to remix the StageTop files. While the files of this campaign are presented as NoDerivatives, we did want to deliver a way for the community to contribute. This is why the Blank Remixable PlayTiles were offered as a stretch goal. There were still some questions to be answered, so here is the latest...

  • Blank Remixable PlayTiles will not be included in the Personal Use backers Wave One release, instead they will be posted on Printables & Thingiverse as Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial for broad distribution.
  • Personal Use backers will be able to share remixed STLs.
  • Commercial Backers will receive the Blank Remixable PlayTiles as part of the Wave One release subject to the terms and conditions found in the Commercial Printing License Agreement.
  • Commercial Backers may also sell THEIR remixed STLs.
  • Commercial Backers may also sell THEIR remixed prints.

While this doesn't cover every use case, it does cover most in a manner that we can support without having to take on the burden of verifying approvals.

Commercial Printing License

Earlier this week, we posted a draft of the Commercial Printing License in the StageTop 3D Printing Facebook Group for feedback. For those interested, you can find the most recent version here...

StageTop Commercial Printing License

Please note that the two-year end date shown in the license, will be amended to reflect the release of the final sets of STLs (not online configurator).

Feel free to ask any questions you may have here or join the StageTop 3D Printing Facebook Group. Also, I want to add a special THANK YOU! to Steven Wolfe for helping us solve the Leg Connection issue. If you are at all interested in learning more about Designing for 3D Printing, please consider checking out his campaign "Design for 3D Printing | Fusion 360 Masterclass".

Thanks again for all your support.

Gut Shot Games

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