Late Pledges & Digital Delivery Dates

Late Pledges & Digital Delivery Dates

First, I would like to THANK the over 6000 backers who have supported this campaign! From the first few days when we struggled to keep up with stretch goals, to the huge influx of backers late in the campaign thanks to Uncle Jessy's 3D Printing a Gaming Table Video, it has been a wild ride! Now let's talk about what comes next...

Late Pledges

We are excited to share that we have chosen MyMiniFactory as our Pledge Manager...

Pledge Manager for StageTop: The 3D Printed Gaming Table

Beginning today, anyone who missed the campaign's funding deadline has the option to jump in at either the Personal or Commercial Reward Tiers. These Reward Tiers include All StageTop Base Files as well as All Unlocked Stretch Goals at a slightly higher price.

PLEASE NOTE: The Commercial Reward Tier will only be available until Monday, May 1st. During this time if you have already backed the campaign at the Personal Tier, you may upgrade to the Commercial Tier only paying the difference in price.

Digital Delivery Dates

The official estimated delivery date for this campaign remains to be March 2023, however our hope is to release an initial wave of core files by late February when the campaign funding is released. The plan is to release files in waves so you can get started printing as soon as possible. Between now and late February, we will make final changes to the core files and continue development on stretch goals.

Speaking of Delivery Dates, The STL files for this campaign will be delivered via the MyMiniFactory Pledge Manager. Regardless of whether you backed on Kickstarter or if you were a late backer on MyMiniFactory, all pledges will be fulfilled via the MyMiniFactory Pledge Manager

The MyMiniFactory Pledge Manager is designed for seamless STL file fulfilment. Gain instant access to your pledge with none of the hassle of 3rd party digital downloads and no fear of expiring links.

How it works.

  • Once the initial wave of files is ready for release, you will receive an email from MyMiniFactory
  • Login OR register for a MyMiniFactory account through the link emailed to you from MyMiniFactory.
  • Click on “My Library” from your profile.
  • Your pledges will be automatically and instantly accessible through the “Objects Shared with me” collection of your library.
  • You can view the campaign or upgrade your pledge through the “Campaign” section of your library where our pledge manager will live.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have here or in the general comments. Also, if you haven't already done so, consider joining the StageTop 3D Printing Facebook Group where users will be invited to join the StageTop community and share printing tips.

Thanks again for all your support.

Gut Shot Games

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